Get signed up for an amazing month of academy. Continuing to build on already learned skills, as well as develop some new ones!
Looking forward to seeing many familiar faces plus a few new ones. Let's continue to build together. We are still allowing a max of 10 drop-ins per day for the month of November at a $30 rate. Be sure to ask for the sibling package if you have multiple kids you're signing up for this month.
Parents click on BOOK NOW and in the booking section highlight FEBRUARY ACADEMY PACKAGE. Once you do that proceed to book either Elementary/Beg. Middle or Adv. Middle/High School. Now is the time to put in the work!
Questions? Email us at****Tell a friend, to tell a friend to bring a friend. Looking forward to getting better and competing this month. Be safe, BRING WATER, and come prepared to work!!!****Hope to see you all. Stay blessed. Stay safe.#family. #unity. #LEVELup. #noCEILINGS. #theyTHOUGHT.